August 29th, 2024

What's In Your Menu Bar

Mac Apps
My Menu Bar

What is in your menu bar?

At Macworld 2014, Mac Developer Brett Terpstra turned heads when he revealed what he had running in his menu bar while sharing his screen. In all, he had 42 menu bar icons and people were amazed because he was on a MacBook Air with 8GB of RAM. Brett is considered a Mad Scientist. Aside from his day job at Oracle he's made a ton of apps over the years including NV-Alt, NV-Ultra and Marked. He proved to folks that Macs can handle a lot of background processes and still work just fine. That's been my philosophy too, so I have never really limited myself on startup items unless I noticed problems. Today I checked to see what I've got in my menu bar and lo and behold, I have crossed the Terpstra Threshold. What's in your menu bar? (Some links are to reviews with download, pricing and alternative app info).


  1. Menu Bar Manager - Bartender
    2. Dato
    2. Default Folder X
    3. Shortcuts
    4. Dropzone 4
    5. RewriteBar
    6. Keyboard Maestro
    7. Folder Peek
    8. Scrap Paper
    9. Start
    10. TextSniper
    11. Trickster 


  1. Karabiner-Menu
    13. App Tamer
    14. HistoryHound
    15. 24 Hour Wallpaper
    16. WidgetWall 
    17. Dropover
    18. CleanMyMac X Menu
    19. TextExpander
    20. Little Snitch
    21. Hazel
    22. PopClip
    23. CleanShot X
    24. BetterTouchTool
    25. Witch
    26. Time Machine
    27. Clop
    28. ScreenMemory
    29. SetappLauncher
    30. Velja
    31. DockDoor
    32. Qspace Pro
    33. Mission Control Plus
    34. Google Drive
    35. One Drive
    36. Maestral
    37. Clock
    38. Control Center
    39. Time Machine
    40. Wi-Fi
    41. Spotlight
    42. Focus Modes
    43. Alarm Clock Pro