September 22nd, 2024

Polycapture a New and Affordable Next Generation Recording App

Mac Apps
Polycapture Interface

This morning, I got a tip from Carlo Zottmann, the developer of Actions for Obsidian. He let my know about Polycapture, a new app he'd just discovered.


PolyCapture for Mac lets you to record webcams, microphones, screens, and apps — individually or simultaneously.

Record webcams, capture cards, iOS devices, microphones, entire screens, specific screen areas or individual app windows — all within a standout, pristine user interface. Freemium, the full version is a weirdly low €4 one-time payment. ($4.99 in US)

I immediately downloaded the app and put it through its paces. It does exactly what he promised. After launching I had to grant several permissions, including, of course, screen recording and microphone. Setting up a session to include the built in web cam, a portion of the screen (whole screen capture is also an option), the built in microphone and the system audio took less than a minute. Adding my iPhone using the Continuity Camera took seconds more. The resulting recording gave me four files: three .mov files from the two cameras and the screen recording and one audio file in .caf format (core audio file which opens with Garage Band by default.) The combined disk space of the raw files from a 27 second recording session was 47MB. I did not use macOS’s built-in video effects, such as Portrait Mode, Studio Light, Center Stage, and Reactions, although they are all options on supported cameras.

The free version of Polycapture lets you make video up to three minutes long. The IAP opens up unlimited lengths.

As for privacy, the developer states "PolyCapture prioritizes your privacy. Your recordings and all related metadata remain offline, on your device, where they belong. Everything is processed on your Mac."

The App Store link for Polycapture is here.

The developer's landing page is here. Polymath was developed by Martin Lexow on behalf of App ahead GmbH.