Announcing the AppAddict Newsletter

If you like finding out about interesting and useful software, I'm
making it easier for you to get detailed updates about what is
I started posting reviews of Mac and iOS apps in April 2024. To date, I've reviewed over 300 apps, posted several roundups of free Mac software and offered advice on Mac automation. So far, I've been able to respond to every message from readers with personalized advice when asked.
I decided to start a newsletter is to enable me to provide reviews to people who would like to receive them in newsletter form. I've had several requests and this appears to be an easy to manage method of getting the news about the latest apps to anyone who wants it in their inbox
Each of my reviews contains a link to where you can download the software, as well as its cost - if there is one. I am not affiliated with any developer or commercial publisher. I've been downloading, testing and using Mac software since the days of the classic OS. Most of my reviews are recommendations, but I occasionally post a "stay away" warning if I find something egregious that I think folks should avoid.
If you are a developer that would like me to review your app, contact me through the blog. I don't review every app I'm presented with, but if you've made something unique and helpful, I'll be glad to take a look and give you some feedback.